Eskimo Rolling Course

Activities Eskimo rolling course Vått og Vilt Mon 24.06 at 09:45 Sign up

Sign up!

Have you ever found yourself upside down? This is a beginner's course that suits everyone that would like to learn how to roll a whitewater kayak.


Registration needed: Sign up at the link on the top of the page. Press "Sign up" at the time you want for registration. If there are no more tickets, send a mail to, and we'll see what we can do :)

Price: 1300,- NOK.

Age limit: 16+.

Activity start: 10:00 (Please meet at location 15 minutes before start).

Meeting point: Vangsgata 45 (Vått og Vilt)

Duration: 3 hours.

Please bring: Thermal underwear, a towel, swimwear, and warm clothes for afterward.

Notice: Gear such as a kayak, paddle, life vest, helmet, and the wetsuit will be provided. Please fill out age, height, and weight in the registration form so that the instructor brings the right equipment. 

Information about the activity:
Mads Rio at Vått og Vilt: (+47) 913 74 995.

Information about booking: 
Ekstremsportveko’s activity coordinator
Samid Ahmed