Old School Rodeo

Kayaking Old School Rodeo TBA Wed 25.06 at 16:00 Sign up


Event/competition time & date 

Wednesday 25. June 16:00




Description of the event/competition concept

Calling all kayakers, come out and play! Remember why you started kayaking? For the fun, right? Well this event is made for you to be reminded of the fun of it. Dig out your old school kayaking kit (or your dads kit from the 90s), and come show off your old school (and new school) moves.


One size fits all



If you can swim, you can join


Equipment (minimum)

  • Kayak (old school if you have one!)
  • Helmet
  • Whitewater-rated buoyancy aid
  • Adequate apparel for swimming in cold water


Meeting point 

TBA depending on water levels. Parking is always super limited, ride sharing mandatory.


Registration/Sign Up 

Registration opens:15th of March
Registration closes: 22th of June