Leave Nothing But Footprints

Ekstemsportveko is proud to be an ambassador for vibrant culture, sport, and folklife in Western Norway. We are environmental lighthouse-certified which means we take sustainability extremely seriously to ensure a sustainable working environment, procurement, energy, transport, waste, emissions, and aesthetics. Our environmental strategy is to continuously survey opportunities to improve measures to operate in the most environmentally friendly way possible. Thereby, we can guarantee and preserve the astounding surrounding nature in which the festival is located whilst having sustainable surroundings for our guests, employees, and the local community. You contribute to a more sustainable future by choosing Ekstremsportveko, an environmental beacon-certified business. Help us remain lighthouse-certified by being a good example for others by taking good care of the environment.


Ekstremsportveko consists of more than 20 000 spectators, 1500 participants and 750 volunteers resulting in a lot of activity going on during the festival. We acknowledge our responsibility and seek to Leave Nothing But Footprints before, during, and after Ekstremsportveko. We aim to improve and implement 10 Green Guidelines as a part of our journey to becoming more environmentally sustainable and to help us leave nothing but footprints.


Ekstremsportveko’s 10 Green Guidelines

1. Respect Nature: Be mindful when moving outside of marked trails and designated areas. Limit your impact on vegetation and avoid disturbing wildlife as much as possible.

2. Leave Nature as You Found It: Minimise or avoid any negative impact to preserve the future of rivers, waterways, forests, and mountains.

3. Clean Up After Yourself: Dispose of all waste at designated disposal stations. When in nature, take your waste home with you. Always remember to recycle.

4. Minimise Waste: Be mindful of the amount of packaging you use. Purchase products with minimal packaging and recycle whenever possible.

5. Use Reusable Equipment: Reduce as much as possible, or avoid completely single-use items. Bring reusable alternatives and encourage others to do the same.

6. Utilise Public Transport or Carpool: Reduce your carbon footprint by using public transport, cycling, or carpooling to and from the festival.

7. Support Sustainable Suppliers: Purchase food and goods from vendors who focus on sustainable and local products.

8. Conserve Energy: Avoid unnecessary electricity use. Turn off electrical devices when not in use and opt for renewable energy sources where possible.

9. Get Involved: Participate in environmental activities and workshops during the festival to learn more about how you can contribute to a better environment.

10. Spread the Message: Encourage friends and family to follow these principles and promote the importance of environmental care.


These are ten guidelines Ekstemsportveko aims to follow and seeks to inspire our participants and followers to implement as well. We acknowledge the difficulty of following all ten guidelines in your everyday life and, therefore, try our best to help participants make sustainable choices based on these 10 Green Guidelines. We are still trying to improve Veko to become more sustainable and to Leave Nothing But Footprints

During Veko recycling systems are available to avoid littering in Voss’ beautiful nature. The trash that does not find the recycling systems will be picked up by a passionate and invaluable environment group and the waste management company Ragn-Sells who make sure we leave nothing but footprints during Ekstremsportveko. 

We are lucky that Ekstremsportveko is located in Voss offering public transportation from Bergen and Oslo directly to Voss. We also encourage all our participants to jump on the free Festival Bus transporting you to and from our sports venues every day. We only have limited parking, so if you travel by car we encourage you to carpool and invite your friends to join.

Help us spread the message to ensure we all Leave Nothing But Footprints by sharing our vision through the hashtag #leavenothingbutfootprints on all our social media platforms: https://linktr.ee/ekstremsportveko 


Eco lighthouse

The text is directly from the website, however, the words marked in red should be change to be grammatically correct.

It’s a great honour to announce that Ekstremsportveko is an Eco-Lighthouse! Eco-Lighthouse is Norway’s most widely used certification scheme for enterprises seeking to document their environmental efforts and demonstrate social responsibility. Ekstremsportveko has been working a long time to get certified and it is therefore especially gratifying that Voss Municipality approved our application in May 2013.

The environment has always been an important focus of Ekstremsportveko and it is part of our core values. Ekstremsportveko is based on the pleasure of the four elements (earth, wind, water and fire) and the festival is restrictive of motorized activity. Ekstremsportveko takes the job of maintaining sports arenas, the festival area and the festival camp clean and tidy during Veko very seriously. We have a very good cooperation with the waste management company, Ragn-Sells, and every year we strive to improve our recycling.

We encourage all of you to follow our lead, think green and leave nothing but footprints.

Take only photos – leave nothing but footprints! High five!