Think Green

With more than 15 000 spectators, 1500 participants and 700 volunteers, there is a lot of activity going on in Voss during Ekstremsportveko. As you know, Voss is a small town surrounded by beautiful scenery,nestled in the mountains with rivers and a lake nearby. In order to keep the area remaining this beautiful, there are a few things we would like you to keep in mind.

Pick up your trash and use the recycling stations located at our arenas. Respect landowners and leave the place as it was when you got there. Ekstremsportveko is an Eco-Lighthouse, help us to remain that way and be a good example for others by taking care of the environment you are playing in.

We encourage everyone to jump on to the free Festival Bus that takes you to and from the sport venues everyday. If for some reason you need to go by car, invite your friends to join you. Car pool people, the parking is limited.

There will be an environmental awareness commercial shown in the Festival Tent and lounge – have a look at it and follow our encouragement: recycling is sexy.

Take only photos – leave nothing but footprints! High five!


Eco lighthouse

It’s a great honour to announce that Ekstremsportveko is an Eco-Lighthouse! Eco-Lighthouse is Norway’s most widely used certification scheme for enterprises seeking to document their environmental efforts and demonstrate social responsibility. Ekstremsportveko has been working a long time to get certified and it is therefore especially gratifying that Voss Municipality approved our application in May 2013.

The environment has always been an important focus of Ekstremsportveko and it is part of our core values. Ekstremsportveko is based on the pleasure of the four elements (earth, wind, water and fire) and the festival is restrictive of motorized activity. Ekstremsportveko takes the job of maintaining sports arenas, the festival area and the festival camp clean and tidy during Veko very serious. We have a very good cooperation with the waste management company, Ragn-Sells, and every year we are striving to improve our recycling.

We encourage all of you to follow our lead, think green and leave nothing but footprints.