NC Gliding Voss Grand Prix

Gliding NC Gliding Voss Grand Prix - Day 1 Voss Flyklubb Thu 26.06 at 09:00 Sign up
Gliding NC Gliding Voss Grand Prix - Day 2 Voss Flyklubb Fri 27.06 at 09:00 Sign up
Gliding NC Gliding Voss Grand Prix - Day 3 Voss Flyklubb Sat 28.06 at 09:00 Sign up


Competition Concept

The 2025 Norwegian Cup in Cross-Country Gliding, NC Voss GP, will follow the Grand Prix format—a distance-handicapped, turn-pointed race to the finish line based on glider type. Each competition day features a single task, taking pilots through some of Norway’s most stunning landscapes. Over the course of four tasks, the best-performing pilot will be crowned the overall winner.

With the right positioning in the mountains around Voss, spectators can witness the gliders racing toward the finish line in real-time. Additionally, live tracking will provide up-to-date standings throughout the race, ensuring an engaging experience for both on-site and remote viewers.

Competition Classes

  • One class, with gliders handicapped by distance per task.


  • As specified in the Sporting Code and National Competition Rules.

Meeting Point

Voss Flyklubb, Bømoen Flyplass


Opens: March 15, 2025
Closes: June 22, 2025