King & Queen - Up & Down

MTB King & Queen - Up & Down day 1 Strava Tue 24.06 at 09:00 Sign up
MTB King & Queen - Up & down day 2 Strava Wed 25.06 at 09:00 Sign up
MTB King & Queen - Up & Down day 3 Strava Thu 26.06 at 09:00 Sign up




It’s time to test your endurance, not enduro. One long Strava segment, both uphill and downhill will be published Tuesday 24th 09:00 and ends Thursday 27th of June 17:00.

Based on the rankings, we will announce one KOM (King of Mountain) and one QOM (Queen of Mountain).


You must sign up for your result to be valid. Segment will be posted closer to the event. 


  • We will only rank registered athletes at Ekstremsportveko. Please make sure to sign up
  • You are responsible for having a fully loaded device (smartphone) or sport watch with a GPS
  • You are responsible to download the Strava app and figure out how it works
  • You are responsible for your own and other trail user's safety. Be aware that you might not be alone on the trail
  • Ride with friends, make sure to help each other with safety, and warn each other if people or animals are on the trail/segment. Also, if crossing a road is necessary
  • Be friendly!
  • No shortcuts are allowed. Ride the trail!
  • Wear a helmet, knee pads, elbow pads, and gloves
  • No e-bikes

Registration opens: 15th of March
Registration closed: 22nd of June