Rafting Giant Slalom & Head 2 Head Combined event Voss Active Tue 24.06 at 10:00 Sign up


The Veko Rafting Event is a day of race action based on the great rivers of Voss! The combined results from ‘Giant Slalom’ and ‘Head 2 Head Races will decide just which team can master these mighty rapids!



A down river-race with multiple challenging gates. If you touch or miss any gates, a time penalty will be added. The course starts at the Voss Active Klatrepark, below the "Moneydrop" and finishes at the rapid "Kåre". The positioning of the gates will be determined by the river level.

After we have had a morning briefing, we make our lunch, load up the buses and head up into the river.

A full training run will be done before the start of the competition.


  • Staggered start, intervals of 3 minutes in the start list order.
  • All members must be present at the finish line.
  • Le`man - running start - all team members standing at the start line - raft in place at the riverside, one team member holding the raft. Paddles in the raft.
  • All teams must have at least one throwbag in the raft.



  • To battle! 2 boats, head 2 head knock out heats.
  • The course starts at Voss Active Klatrepark and finishes just below the rapid Laila.
  • Knock out system, until the final pair of teams reach the final.

Heats are decided by the results from the Giant Slalom result positions. The fastest team meets the slowest and so forth. The highest-ranked team chooses the start position in the eddy. The winning team of each round MUST get their raft and gear on the minibus and get back to the start line ASAP!

After we have had a morning briefing, we make our lunch, load up the buses and head up into the river.

A full training run will be done before the start of the competition.


  • Pushing boats with paddles, is ALLOWED
  • Blocking boats with boats is ALLOWED
  • Ramming boats with boats is ALLOWED
  • Paddle to body contact is NOT ALLOWED
  • Holding on to other rafts is NOT ALLOWED


Please read the full-time schedule here


One athlete on each team must sign up on behalf of the team. Every team member must have a valid extreme pass and have signed up as an athlete here. If a team member does not have sign up before the competition day, the team will not be allowed to compete.

You can only sign up for both giant slalom and head2head combined. It's not possible to only sign up for one of them. 


Mixed teams with 4 participants on each team.


The Team Captain MUST have experience of Guiding Class 3+ white water. You need to have whitewater experience and know-how to behave if you or your friends need rescuing in grade 3-4 whitewater. We have everything from world-class rafters to river trainees coming to compete.


We can provide helmets, wetsuits, boots, PFD, paddles, riverboards, and rafts. Basically, everything you need. Every team MUST have a personal throwbag in the raft. As most of the throwbags from Voss Active are being used by the safety teams, bring your own throwbag.


Voss Active, Nedkvitnesvegen 25, 5710 Skulestadmo
GPS coordinates: 60.654791, 6.443448


Registration opens: 15th of March
Registration closes: 22nd of June