Social Gathering (For speedflyers and paragliders)

Speedflying Social Gathering (For Speedflyers and paragliders) Festival Camp Fri 28.06 at 18:00 Sign up



Social Event

Description of the event

We want to invite all paraglider- and speedflyerpilots to a social evening at the festivalcamp. After, hopefully, a full day of having fun flying we´ll gather to eat some food, have some beers and share our fun adventures. Use the evening to catch up with old friends, get to know new pilots and visitors. At 20:15 we will go together to the Veko-tent to watch Today´s video!


  • Bring good vibes
  • Your own food for grilling and some drinks

Meeting point 

Festival camp

Registrations / Sign up

Registration opens: 15th of March
Registration closes: 22nd of June