

Our team is working hard to put together a whole week that is fun, meaningful, and memorable for you all.

Where can I buy festival tickets for Ekstremsportveko?You can buy tickets here! You may also buy tickets at our ticket office at festival arena throughout the festival. The ticket office is open from 9 am to 9 pm every day. We encourage everyone to order tickets online.


Whats included in the festival ticket?

Music lineup 2025: Read more here
Emma Steinbakken, Kakkmaddafakka, Italobrothers, Vinni, Golfklubb, Gunn Kvaale & Fashion Victims

Social events 2025: Read more here
Todays video, Prize Ceremony, Opening Show, Bula Beanie Boogie party, Veko Lounge 20+, Heidrafest, Afterski Madness, Throwback Party, Beach Club Bash, VekoPride, WhyVoss, Vekocruise (extra fee), Inkluderingskonferanse (extra fee), Last Thursday (extra fee)


Ticket prices from 2025: Extreme Week Pass (18+, everyone, athletes):

Early Bird January - 1890 NOK (Limited)

Early Bird February - 1990 NOK (Limited)

Early Bird March - 2290 NOK (Limited)

Early Bird April - 2390 NOK (Limited)

Ordinary Price - 2590 NOK

With the Extreme Week Pass, you can join us for a whole week of sports, concerts, DJs, Today's Video, and a price ceremony. If you register as an athlete, you can also participate in our sports program, meaning you can sign up for sports competitions and sports events.

NOTE! Some sports events/competitions have extra fees; check the sports program for more information.SIGN UP FOR NEWSLETTER

ATTENTION ATHLETES! You need a valid Extreme Week Pass to participate as an athlete at Ekstremsportveko, and you need to register as an athlete to be able to sign up for sports events and competitions.

/ Junior Extreme Week Pass (-18, jr. athletes)

690 NOK

In addition, to be able to sign up for sports events and competitions, we need your guardian to sign this responsibility declaration:
Declaration of Responsibility athlete under 18 years 

NOTE! Not all sports events/competitions are open for athletes under 18 years.

/ Extreme Day Pass (18+, non-athletes)

590 NOK Extreme Tuesday
490 NOK Extreme Wednesday
1190 NOK Extreme Thursday
1190 NOK Extreme Friday
1190 NOK Extreme Saturday

The day passes are for you if you only want to join the festival and experience concerts, DJs, Today's Video, and price ceremony for one day.

NOTE! You cannot participate as an athlete with a Extreme Day Pass; you need an Extreme Week Pass.